Several rounds of design revisions
Creating a friendly brand that also looked medical
Tablet menu in order to tend to a variety of disabilities
Sweet Herbs is a step towards changing the stigma of Marijuana Edibles being only for the ‘stoners’ culture. With the legalization of Cannabis in Canada, we as a nation are beginning to understand the full potential of Marijuana.
Regular users are no longer seen as burnouts, and newcomers have a much easier and safer way of trying new Canibus consumptions methods. One popular way is through the use of edibles. THC and CBD infused baked goods offer an easier entrance into the world of both medical and recreational marijuana. In order to promote a warm, and friendly environment to try out edibles, Sweet Herbs was created.
Going the route of medical and welcoming, I chose a bubbly script, with fun curves that lead to an abstract representation of a budding marijuana plant. Sweet Herbs high contrast colour pallet of baby teal and impact orange allows for white or black text to ‘pop off the page’ and can pass screen accessibility tests, as Sweet Herbs can anticipate a high number of disabled customers.
The menu was chosen to be on an iPad for a few reasons. With Canadian cannabis laws still continually changing, a digital menu can easily be changed if there are updates to editable regulations, at no cost to reprint. The screen can be zoomed in and out, for the visually impaired. Screen reader options are available, and controls can be voice-activated. The Ipad customers would be using is also ultra-light, and easy to handle, for people with weak hand functions.
This conceptual brand was created from the ground up. Logo development, brand explorations, packaging concepts, and digital menu concepts.